Do you know the story behind Ronan lyrics Taylor? Well many of us should know who is The singer : Taylor Swift, but whois Ronan Thompson? Here it is the story and the lyrics
His full name is Ronan Sean Thompson, He was born in 2007, at May 12. Then the story is full of happiness until 3 years later in august 2010. That’s time for the family to trip to parent’s house in Washington. Maya, Ronan’s mother noticed that something happened to Ronan’s eyes.
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Then Maya took Ronan to his docter, but docter said there is nothing wrong with Ronan. Maya did not agree with that then he took Ronan to Dr. Cassidy. And Cassidy knew something seriously and asked Ronan for MRI session. The result is small mass above Ronan’s eyes. Then Ronan Got a CT Scan for better diagnose and the result is Stage IV Neuroblastoma, a Cancer.
Actually Ronan’s orbital tumor was removed in Phoenix Hospital On August 2010 and He also got several rounds of chemotheraphy. Then Ronan has another surgeon in Sloan-Kettering in New York. Ronan’s got well but few weeks later the cancer was getting worse.
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His parents try to get better treatment but Ronan could not survive before going to San Diego for getting another treatment. It was on May 9, 2011.
- Then Maya write a blog for Ronan Story and for better children cancer inspiration, On an article she wrote for pediatric cancer and pediatric AIDS comparison .
- Children AIDS gets 4 times bigger funding than for childhood cancer..
- In the USA there are about 3,000 children death because of cancer each year, it’s about 20x bigger then children AIDS cases. But government only invest very lower budget for research.
- Pediatric cancer research budget is only 3% of National Cancer Institute
- Government lately cut the budget for Childhood Cancer Research.
- USA spend over $14 B in a year for the space program, but only $35 M pediatric Cancer Research
The kind is also famous with Ronan rockstar. That's for ronan lyrics taylor Swift and the story